Latest Past Events

Eastern Shore Native American History and Culture

Talbot County Free Library Easton Branch 100 West Dover Street, Easton

On Tuesday, October 10th, from 6:00 to 7:30 PM., the Talbot County Free Library will host a program on Eastern Shore Native American history and culture.  The speaker will be Chief Donna Wolf Mother Abbott, first female Chief of the Nause-Waiwash Tribe (Choptank and Nanticoke). Chief Donna Abbott will speak on both her tribe’s past […]

Crossroads: Change in Rural America at the Oxford Museum

Oxford Museum 225 South Morris Street, Oxford

Crossroads: Change in Rural America, a traveling Smithsonian Institution exhibition, visits St. Paul’s Church in Oxford, MD. The Oxford Museum partners with Maryland Humanities for the second Maryland stop. The church serves as the second venue of a five-stop tour of the state, presented through Maryland Humanities’ Museum on Main Street program.  In 1900, about […]


Crossroads: Change in Rural America at the Oxford Museum

Oxford Museum 225 South Morris Street, Oxford

Crossroads: Change in Rural America, a traveling Smithsonian Institution exhibition, visits St. Paul’s Church in Oxford, MD. The Oxford Museum partners with Maryland Humanities for the second Maryland stop. The church serves as the second venue of a five-stop tour of the state, presented through Maryland Humanities’ Museum on Main Street program.  In 1900, about […]
