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(410) 618-5633
Ellie Benedict, Development Specialist
(410) 618-5725

Judy Dobbs Fund for History

Providing continued support for Maryland Humanities programs that employ history to understand our past, contextualize our present, and inform our future.

Headshot of Judy Dobbs
Judy Dobbs; photo by Mackie Snyder Kudravetz.

Judy Dobbs has long been one of Maryland Humanities’ greatest champions, not only of our work but also of those vital community organizations with whom we collaborate and all those we serve, particularly young history scholars.

Not content with making a quiet exit as she retired after 30+ years of service, Judy decided to make a significant investment in Maryland Humanities’ continued success.

Our initial goal for The Judy Dobbs Fund for History was $45,000. Thanks to the generosity of Judy, her family, and scores of her colleagues and friends, we’ve met that goal and have now exceeded $50,000.

Judy urges you to make a gift to the fund, too, for this ongoing, necessary work.

You may mail us a check payable to Maryland Humanities with “Dobbs Fund” in the memo line or give online with “Dobbs Fund” in the Additional Comments box.


Thank you to the following donors to the Judy Dobbs Fund for History.

List reflects gifts through November 22, 2021

Mary Alexander & Norman Schou
Michele & Daryl Alexander
Carol & Thomas Allen
Carol & William Allen
Michael Allison
Bradley Alston
Patricia Ash, in Honor
of Alexandra Fleming
Lauren & Scott Ayers
Diedre Badejo
Patricia & Raymond Bahr
Diana Bailey & Kit Harvel
Willa Banks
Jeremy Barofksy
Bill Barry & Joan Jacobson
Pamela Berman
Ellen Baron Blaustein
David Bogen & Patricia Ciricillo
Donna Leigh Boulter
Helen E. Bowlus
Jim^ & Fran Brady
Elaine Breslaw
Gwendolyn Briley-Strand
Sue Brooks
Robyn Busch
Dr. George H. Callcott &
Dr. Margaret Law Callcott
Liz Cannon & John Guy
Thomas & Susan Carlson
Scott Casper
Dr. & Mrs. Charles Chadbourn, III
Stephen Chan
Susan Chase & Bob Bowie
Paul Chasen
Nguyen Minh Chau
Reid Cherlin
George Ciscle
Norma & Joel Cohen
Karen Cole
Dr. Naomi F. Collins
Chris Condlin & Lisa Hin
Emily Condlin & Paul Kleinschmidt
Nikita Condlin
Judy Cooper
Mimi Cooper
Naomi Coquillon
Emily & Gary Correll
Kathy Curtin & George Smyth
Ann Weller Dahl
Eleanor & Cornelius Darcy
Maron Deering
Ed & Elly Dobbs
Judy Dobbs & Bob Condlin
Paula & Larry Dubé
Jodi Dunn & Peter Bouxsein
Ralph & Evelyne Eshelman
Choiwan Essey

Amy & Joseph Federman
Al & Angie Feldstein
Melissa Feliciano
Janet Felsten
Jill Ferris
Jeannette Festa
Mary Kay & Tom Finan
Mike & Pam Flinton
Martin & Heather Ford
Kim Fortney
Bernice Friedland
Michial Gill
Ann Goldman Giroux
Michael & Kathleen Glaser
Liza Godfrey
Silvia Blitzer Golombek &
Daniel Golombek
Cathy Gorn
Bill Grimmette
Fred Guy
Carole Hamlin & Fraser Smith
Sally Harrison
Melanie & Rob Harwood
Mary Hastler
Marilyn Hatza
Aaron Heinsman
Linda & David Hellmann
Lenneal & Joyce Henderson
Gail & Steve Herman
Bill Hermann & Marta Mills
Maria Heyssel
Marilyn Hin
Michael & Debra Holt
Mark Irwin
Eugenie Jenkins
John Jewitt
Paula Johnson
Stephen Johnson
Michael & Sally Johnston
Darryl & Mary Jurkiewicz
Dennis Jutras
Christine & Dan Keen
Lisa & Duncan Keir
Julia King
Jim & Devra Kitterman
Kathleen Kotarba
David & Mackie Kudravetz
Mike Kuethe
Burt Kummerow & Mary Blair
Betty S. & Angela M. Leonard
Joyce Leviton
Andrea Lewis
Jacquelyn Lucy

Esther Mackintosh
Edie Manza
Bruce & Judy Marsh
Missy McNatt
Kathleen Mitchell & Dennis Bigley
Mitro Hood Photography
Ed & Jo Orser
Margery Patten
Steven Pepe
Charla & David Phillips
Hannah Pickworth
Amy Plummer &
The Hoffman Family
Carolyn Polowy
Garrett & Penny Power
David Raphael
Cynthia Raposo & Joe Furey
Gale Rasin & Paul Sonberg
Nancy Rogers & Law Watkins
Heather Rosenbloom
Rebecca Ruggles
Jean Russo
Stephen Sfekas
Jennifer Hall Shea
Davis Sherman &
Anita Gilman Sherman
Linda Shevitz
Richard & Barrie Sigler
Janet Sims-Wood
Kimberly Sloane
Sandra Sparks
Rohith & Shubha Srinivas
Phoebe Stein
Joe Stewart
Keith Stone
Mark & Shelley Stout
Michael B. Styer
Marcie Taylor-Thoma
David & Barbara Treasure
Brian Valle
Lisa Vardi
Yolanda Maria Vazquez
Dr. Charles Emerson Walker
Michael Ward & Kathryn Farinholt
Meadow Lark Washington
Sandy & Barbara K. Weeks
Patricia A. Welch
Allison Wickens
Evelyn C. Williams
Jo^ & Gary Williams
Joe & Diane Wood
Jean & Jim Wortman
Steve Ziger & Jamie Snead

^ deceased

  • “It provided an opportunity for my child to learn through experiential opportunities. He had interviews and tours that were relevant to his topic that helped the history come alive and create unforgettable memories.”

    Maryland History Day 2015 Parent
  • “By using a variety of sources, I was able to get angles on my topic that I wasn’t able to before. Also, I learned so much about a topic near and dear to my heart that will enrich my learning later in life.”

    Maryland History Day 2015 Student
  • “History Day inspired me to become deeply invested in historical topics which I never thought I’d enjoy. It is an amazing experience that has the ability to make learning fun for everyone, no matter what you’re interested in.”

    Addie Skillman, National History Day Gold Winner
  • “MHD illustrated the applicability of the study of history to contemporary issues and current events. It was very motivating to converse with the students about their historical topic and observe how they applied it to current events and their own life circumstances.”

    ​Maryland History Day parent
  • I’ve loved judging! It’s exciting to see the passion the middle schoolers have put in their projects. I hope that my critiques have helped strive for excellence throughout their lives.

    Dee Krasnansky, Maryland History Day Judge
  • “The thing that had the most impact were the skills that I got from this project. I developed better hunting skills in terms of looking for reliable sources and I also learned to work hard and not procrastinate to achieve something great.”

    Maryland History Day student participant
  • “Maryland History Day challenged my daughter to go deeper, deeper in research analysis and presentation. It took her to a whole new level academically.”

    ​Maryland History Day parent
  • “History Day has taught men how to interpret and effective use primary sources in my writing to create and support claims. Now I am much more likely to explore databases, go to libraries, and explore further external sources for credible and effective sources.”

    Maryland History Day 2019 Student
  • “The excitement of the research was wonderful for my students’ academic progress. They now feel capable of doing any research paper that may be assigned in college!”

    Maryland History Day 2019 Teacher
  • “I had never done anything like this before so it was a totally new experience to write a paper, be interviewed, and defend my positions. I now really know how to do research and it has improved my writing skills.”

    ​Maryland History Day 2015 Student
  • “My students went deeper with primary and secondary sources than ever before. They used critical thinking skills and applied the transfer goals and essential questions on a deeper level than they could have in class. It challenged them to think deeper and defend their findings.”

    Maryland History Day 2019 Teacher
  • “[The students] learned a variety of ways to present their material and they could focus on what they wanted to learn about. The students had a choice in their learning. It was about their learning NOT what someone else felt they need to learn.”

    ​Maryland History Day teacher
  • “I had never done anything like this before so it was a totally new experience to write a paper, be interviewed, and defend my positions. I now really know how to do research and it has improved my writing skills.”

    ​Maryland History Day student
  • “I think the continual process of improving her research and presentation through the various levels of competition has been incredibly valuable. It has caused her to dig deeper in her research and build upon and refine her work and presentation.”

    ​Maryland History Day parent
  • “The students are now far more prepared for the high level of scholarship and achievement that will be expected of them in future years. MHD also elevated many other skills too. These include public speaking, the use of technology, learning to collaborate.”

    ​Maryland History Day teacher
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