Explore Section


Emily Ross, Program Officer, Grants
Camilla Sandoval, Program Coordinator, Grants

Become a Grant Reviewer

As part of our grantmaking process, Maryland Humanities engages external grant reviewers to decide how funding is allocated. This consists of recruiting community members, humanities scholars and grant experts to participate in trainings, score applications and collectively evaluate grantees to receive awards.

We are not currently accepting new reviewers. Thank you for your interest!


  • Description & Responsibilities

    Reviewer Responsibilities

    • Attending a 1-hour virtual orientation to become familiar with the MD Humanities grants process and our grants management portal
    • Before reviewing grant applications, reviewers are responsible for familiarizing themselves with the goals of the Hatza SHINE grant program, applicant eligibility, and the grant scoring rubric.  
    • Reviewers read and score 15 to 20 grant applications. Reviewers are required to provide constructive comments on applications.
    • Reviewers must attend a final review meeting (2 hours) to discuss scoring and decide on funding recommendations.

    Reviewer Stipend

    • Each reviewer will receive a stipend of $300 for their time and expertise.

    Reviewer Eligibility 

    • MD resident, if not a MD resident a significant connection to the Maryland community
    • Professional or personal background in the humanities
    • Demonstrated commitment to or experience in diversity, equity and inclusion principles
    • Experience with grant writing, grant reviewing, program evaluation, program coordination, or community organizing is preferred but not required

    Estimated Time Commitment 

    • Virtual Orientation: 1 hour
    • Independent familiarizing with Hatza SHINE goals, application, and scoring rubric: 2 hours
    • Reading and scoring 15-20 applications: 20 hours
    • Virtual Final Review Meeting: 2 hours
    • Total hours: 25 hours

    The 25 hours occur over a 4-month period, August to November 2024.

  • Dates & Timeline

    Important Dates

    • Interest Form Closes: Monday, June 24, 2024
    • Grant reviewers notified of acceptance or decline: Monday, July 15, 2024
    • Virtual orientation (1 hour): Choose one date – Wednesday, August 28, 2024, 2pm OR Friday, September 6, 2024 at 10am.
    • 6 weeks to review and score applications independently: Monday, September 23, 2024 through Monday, November 4, 2024.
    • Virtual final decisions discussion meeting (2 hours): Choose one date – Thursday, November 7 at 2pm OR Tuesday, November 12 at 11:30am.

  • FAQ

    Can I both apply for a Maryland Humanities grant and be a reviewer?

    At this time we request that if you are part of an organization (as staff or board) that plans to apply for an FY25 Hatza SHINE grant this summer to refrain from applying to become a reviewer.

    What happens after I submit an interest form?

    If you are a candidate to be a reviewer, you will receive an email from Program Officer, Grants, Emily Ross to arrange a brief (<15 mins) phone call. During the phone call we’ll discuss your interest and verbally re-confirm your availability. A list of potential reviewers with bios will be put forward to the Maryland Humanities grants committee board members in late June 2024. Accepted reviewers will be notified by July 15, 2024.

    How many reviewers will be a part of the review panel?

    12-15 external reviewers will join our 6 grants committee board members to make up the entire review panel.

    How and when will I receive my stipend payment?

    A paper check will be mailed to reviewers in late November 2024 after the final review meeting at the conclusion of the grants review process.

    I still have unanswered questions about being a reviewer. Who can I contact?

    Contact Program Officer, Grants, Emily Ross at eross@mdhumanities.org

  • “This Maryland Humanities grant is absolutely vital to the mission of our non-profit organization devoted to archaeological research and public education. Simply put, we could not have carried out our ambitious exhibit projects without this much-appreciated support. Maryland Humanities has enabled us to share meaningful stories and engage audiences in innovative and creative ways. The platform they have provided strengthens our organization and the community we serve. Thank you!”

    Lost Towns Project, Inc., Major Grant recipient, Anne Arundel County
  • “We had a great experience working with Maryland Humanities. Your team was very hands on, provided clear guidelines and seemed glad to assist us throughout our process. Thank you so much for the support we received to carry out our event and do much needed social justice work in our city.”

    New Lens, Humanities Fund for Baltimore grantee
  • “Without support from Maryland Humanities, we never could have put together an exhibit and programming at this scale. This support allowed us to cover many more writers, artists and musicians in the exhibit than we otherwise could have done. It enabled us to offer at lease 50 percent more programming than we could have done on our own. The funds also enabled us to promote the exhibit and programs to a wider market. Furthermore, knowing there was a chance for this grant to be awarded, we felt able to apply for (even more) support from the local cultural arts board… We are enormously grateful.”

    Carol Allen, Director for the Library & Hays-Heighe House, Harford Community College, Major Grant recipient
  • “We have truly enjoyed every funding experience with Maryland Humanities – mostly because it feels like a collaborative relationship. The staff at (Maryland Humanities) is very helpful when preparing grant proposals and reports, and we love seeing (Maryland Humanities) administrators attending our performances and other programming.”

    Center Stage, Humanities Fund for Baltimore grantee, Baltimore City
  • “It is difficult to properly express our gratitude to Maryland Humanities for the help and support that we received through the grant-making process and through the project. The grant was crucial to the success of the project, and instrumental in bringing the poet (and 2016 MacArthur Fellow) Claudia Rankine to our campus. As the author of “Citizen: An America Lyric,” Rankine’s powerful reading and discussion of her work provided the anchor for our programming about public education and the role it plays in shaping the political citizen… (Maryland Humanities staff) were a constant source of encouragement and support–and we are proud to have been one of the projects that it recognized this year.”

    Dr. Kimberly Coles ~ Chair, Education and Citizenship Project Committee, University of Maryland College Park
  • “Funding from the Maryland Humanities to distribute our first publication allowed Wide Angle Youth Media to expand our reach and share youth voice in a way we have never done before. With your support, this project has not only been successful in programmatic outcomes, but has inspired and empowered young people, giving them the platform to become published artists and share their voices in our city and beyond.”

    Wide Angle Youth Media, Humanities Fund for Baltimore grantee, Baltimore City
  • “It is difficult to properly express our gratitude to Maryland Humanities for the help and support that we received through the grant-making process and through the project…The support of (Maryland Humanities) was not in funding alone. By including a spot about the initiative in (their) Humanities Connection program on WYPR, Maryland Humanities did much to help promote our initiative and alert the general public about the program that we were running in the early months of the fall.”

    Dr. Kimberly Coles ~ Chair, Education and Citizenship Project Committee, University of Maryland College Park
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