Call To Action Blocks

Call to action blocks are a good way to highlight short sections of text in a page’s main content section. To add a call to action block, click the + button in a column and select Custom Call To Action from the popup window.

To edit existing call to action blocks, hover over the block and click the edit button from the context menu.

The call to action block includes three simple text fields:

  • The title is displayed at the top of the call to action in bold blue text.
  • The description takes up the rest of the block and is displayed in slightly smaller grey text.
  • The link allows you to specify where users are sent when they click on the call to action. Enter a full URL, e.g.

In addition to editing the contents, the context menu allows you to move the call to action block to a different location in the layout, copy the call to action block and its contents, or delete the block.

Once you are finished making changes, click Publish or Update on the right side of the page to make your changes live.