Message Boxes

Message boxes are a good way to highlight short sections of text in a page’s main content section. To add a message box, click the + button in a column and select Message Box from the popup window.

To edit existing message boxes, hover over the box and click the edit button from the context menu.

The message box contains a number of available settings:

  • Select a message box preset to change all the other settings to a particular overall style.
  • The style field allows you to specify a style for the colors in the box.
    • Select Standard
  • The shape field specifies how rounded (or not) the corners are.
    • Select Rounded
  • Color allows you to select a color scheme for the box.
    • Select Grey
  • The icon library and icon fields allow you to select an icon that is displayed inside the message box.
  • The message text field is a full-featured WYSIWYG field to add the main box content.

The text block also contains two settings on the General tab that you should not need (CSS Animation and Extra class name) and a variety of settings in the Design Options tab which should not be needed when using your custom theme.

In addition to editing the contents, the context menu allows you to move the message box to a different location in the layout, copy the message box and its contents, or delete the box.

Once you are finished making changes, click Publish or Update on the right side of the page to make your changes live.

Sample message box